* Copyright (c) 1997, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Copyright 2004-2008 Emmanouil Batsis, mailto: mbatsis at users full stop sourceforge full stop net
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@project Faces JavaScript Library
@version 4.1
@description This is the standard implementation of the Faces JavaScript Library.
"use strict";
// Detect if this is already loaded, and if loaded, if it's a higher version
if ( !( (window.faces && window.faces.specversion && window.faces.specversion >= 40000 )
&& (window.faces.implversion && window.faces.implversion >= 4)) ) {
// --- JS Lang --------------------------------------------------------------------
const UDEF = 'undefined';
const EMPTY = "";
const SPACE = " ";
const FORM = "form";
const isNull = (value) => (typeof value === UDEF || (typeof value === "object" && !value));
const isNotNull = (value) => !isNull(value);
// --- Faces constants ------------------------------------------------------------
const VIEW_STATE_PARAM = "jakarta.faces.ViewState";
const CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM = "jakarta.faces.ClientWindow";
const ENCODED_URL_PARAM = "jakarta.faces.encodedURL";
* experimental: do partial submit during ajax request
* todo: add a config parameter for this, where?
* Check if a String or an Array contains a value
* @ignore
const contains = function(stringOrArray,value) { return stringOrArray.indexOf(value) !== -1; }
* Find instance of passed String via getElementById.
* @ignore
const getElemById = function getElemById( elementOrId ) {
return typeof elementOrId == 'string' ? document.getElementById(elementOrId) : elementOrId;
* get dom element or document child by name attribute
* @ignore
const getElementByName = function(element, name) {
return element.querySelector("[name='"+name+"']");
* get the input element inside a form identified by name attribute
* @ignore
const getFormInputElementByName = function(form, inputElementName) {
return inputElementName in form ? form[inputElementName] : getElementByName(form,inputElementName);
* append a new pair of parameter=value to a query string
* @ignore
const appendToQueryString = function appendToQueryString( queryString , name, value) {
return queryString + ( (queryString.length > 0 ? "&" : EMPTY) + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) );
* return true if one of the dom elements contains
* a child with the attribute name equals to the passed name
* @param elements an array of DOM elements
* @param name the value of the attribute name
* @returns {boolean} true if at least one of the domElements contains a child with the attribute name equals to the passed param name
* @ignore
const containsNamedChild = function (elements,name) {
return elements.some( elem => !!getElementByName(elem,name) );
* <span class="changed_modified_2_2">The top level global namespace
* for Jakarta Faces functionality.</span>
* @name faces
* @namespace
window.faces = {};
* <span class="changed_modified_2_2 changed_modified_2_3">The namespace for Ajax
* functionality.</span>
* @name faces.ajax
* @namespace
* @exec
faces.ajax = function() {
const eventListeners = [];
const errorListeners = [];
let delayHandler = null;
* Note by pizzi80:
* Replacing DOM element's innerHTML does not execute the (eventually) injected javascript.
* This is standard, and we don't need anymore to do this test.
* I'll leave this only as a placeholder to identify the places where
* it is used in the code.
* In the future a new and unique replace algorithm will replace all
* the actual code, and it will be possible to remove this and the function isAutoExec()
* Determine if loading scripts into the page executes the script.
* This is instead of doing a complicated browser detection algorithm. Some do, some don't.
* @returns {boolean} does including a script in the dom execute it?
* @ignore
const isAutoExec = function isAutoExec() { return false; };
* Utility function that determines if a file control exists for the form.
* @ignore
const hasInputFileControl = function(form) { return isNotNull(form.querySelector("input[type='file']")); };
// --- FACES input processing functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the form element which encloses the supplied element.
* @param element - element to act against in search
* @returns form element representing enclosing form, or first form if none found.
* @ignore
const getForm = function(element) {
const form = element.closest(FORM);
return form ? form : document.forms[0];
* Get an array of all Faces form elements which need their view state to be updated.
* This covers at least the form that submitted the request and any form that is covered in the render target list.
* @param context An object containing the request context, including the following properties:
* the source element, per call onerror callback function, per call onevent callback function, the render
* instructions, the submitting form ID, the naming container ID and naming container prefix.
const getFormsToUpdate = function getFormsToUpdate(context) {
const formsToUpdate = [];
const add = function(element) {
if (element) {
if (element.nodeName
&& element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === FORM
&& element.method === "post"
&& element.id
&& element.elements
&& element.id.startsWith(context.namingContainerPrefix) ) {
else {
const forms = element.getElementsByTagName(FORM);
for ( const form of forms )
if (context.formId) {
if (context.render) {
if ( contains(context.render,"@all") ) {
} else {
const clientIds = context.render.split(SPACE);
for ( const clientId of clientIds )
return formsToUpdate;
* <p>Namespace given space separated parameters if necessary (only
* call this if there is a namingContainerPrefix!). This
* function is here for backwards compatibility with manual
* faces.ajax.request() calls written before Spec790 changes.</p>
* @param parameters Space separated string of parameters as
* usually specified in f:ajax execute and render attributes.
* @param sourceClientId The client ID of the f:ajax
* source. This is to be used for prefixing relative target
* client IDs.
* It's expected that this already starts with
* namingContainerPrefix.
* @param namingContainerPrefix The naming container prefix (the
* view root ID suffixed with separator character).
* This is to be used for prefixing absolute target client IDs.
* @ignore
const namespaceParametersIfNecessary = function namespaceParametersIfNecessary(parameters, sourceClientId, namingContainerPrefix) {
if (sourceClientId.indexOf(namingContainerPrefix) !== 0) {
return parameters; // Unexpected source client ID; let's silently do nothing.
const targetClientIds = parameters.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/g);
// adapt each targetClientId and replace the modified version inside the original array
for ( let i = 0; i < targetClientIds.length; i++) {
let targetClientId = targetClientIds[i];
if (targetClientId.indexOf(faces.separatorchar) === 0) {
targetClientId = targetClientId.substring(1);
if (targetClientId.indexOf(namingContainerPrefix) !== 0) {
targetClientId = namingContainerPrefix + targetClientId;
} else if (targetClientId.indexOf(namingContainerPrefix) !== 0) {
const parentClientId = sourceClientId.substring(0, sourceClientId.lastIndexOf(faces.separatorchar));
if (namingContainerPrefix + targetClientId === parentClientId) {
targetClientId = parentClientId;
} else {
targetClientId = parentClientId + faces.separatorchar + targetClientId;
// replace the modified target client inside the array
targetClientIds[i] = targetClientId;
// return a space separated string of all the target client id
return targetClientIds.join(SPACE);
// --- HTML as String processing functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Regex to find all scripts in a string
const SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX = /<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/igm;
// Regex to find one script, to isolate it's content [2] and attributes [1]
const SINGLE_SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX = /<script([^>]*)>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/im;
// Regex to find type attribute
const TAG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_REGEX = /type="([\S]*?)"/im;
* Get all scripts from supplied string, return them as an array for later processing.
* @param html a String containing a portion of html
* @returns {array} of script text
* @ignore
const getScripts = function getScripts(html) {
const scripts = [];
const initialnodes = html.match(SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX);
while (!!initialnodes && initialnodes.length > 0) {
let scriptStr = [];
scriptStr = initialnodes.shift().match(SINGLE_SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX); // todo: multiple shift array ... rewrite this algo
// check the type - skip if specified but not text/javascript
const type = scriptStr[1].match(TAG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_REGEX);
if (!!type && type[1] !== "text/javascript") {
return scripts;
* Remove all the portion of code matching the script pattern from the passed string
* @param html a String containing a portion of html
* @ignore
const removeScripts = function removeScripts(html) {
return html.replace(/<script[^>]*type="text\/javascript"[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/igm, EMPTY);
* Run an array of script nodes,
* @param scripts Array of script nodes.
* @ignore
const runScripts = function runScripts(scripts) {
if (!scripts || scripts.length === 0) {
const loadedScripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
const loadedScriptUrls = [];
for ( const scriptNode of loadedScripts ) {
const url = scriptNode.getAttribute("src");
if (url) loadedScriptUrls.push(url);
const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement;
runScript(head, loadedScriptUrls, scripts, 0);
* Run script at given index.
* @param head Document's head.
* @param loadedScriptUrls URLs of scripts which are already loaded.
* @param scripts Array of script nodes.
* @param index Index of script to be loaded.
* @ignore
const runScript = function runScript(head, loadedScriptUrls, scripts, index) {
if (index >= scripts.length) {
// Regex to find src attribute
const findsrc = /src="([\S]*?)"/im;
// Regex to remove leading cruft
const stripStart = /^\s*(<!--)*\s*(\/\/)*\s*(\/\*)*\s*\n*\**\n*\s*\*.*\n*\s*\*\/(<!\[CDATA\[)*/;
const scriptLoadedStates = [ 'loaded','complete' ];
const scriptStr = scripts[index];
const src = scriptStr[1].match(findsrc);
let scriptLoadedViaUrl = false;
if (!!src && src[1]) {
// if this is a file, load it
const url = unescapeHTML(src[1]);
// if this is already loaded, don't load it
// it's never necessary, and can make debugging difficult
if (loadedScriptUrls.indexOf(url) < 0) {
// create script node
let scriptNode = document.createElement('script');
const parserElement = document.createElement('div');
parserElement.innerHTML = scriptStr[0];
cloneAttributes(scriptNode, parserElement.firstChild);
//scriptNode.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptNode.src = url; // add the src to the script node
scriptNode.onload = scriptNode.onreadystatechange = function(_, abort) {
if (abort || !scriptNode.readyState || scriptLoadedStates.includes(scriptNode.readyState) ) {
scriptNode = null; // why?
runScript(head, loadedScriptUrls, scripts, index + 1); // Run next script.
head.appendChild(scriptNode); // add it to end of the head (and don't remove it)
scriptLoadedViaUrl = true;
} else if (!!scriptStr && scriptStr[2]) {
// else get content of tag, without leading CDATA and such
const script = scriptStr[2].replace(stripStart, EMPTY);
if (!!script) {
// create script node
const scriptNode = document.createElement('script');
// scriptNode.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptNode.text = script; // add the code to the script node
head.appendChild(scriptNode); // add it to the head
head.removeChild(scriptNode); // then remove it
if (!scriptLoadedViaUrl) {
runScript(head, loadedScriptUrls, scripts, index + 1); // Run next script.
* Get all stylesheets from supplied string and run them all.
* @param str
* @ignore
const runStylesheets = function runStylesheets(str) {
// Regex to find all links in a string
const findlinks = /<link[^>]*\/>/igm;
// Regex to find one link, to isolate its attributes [1]
const findlink = /<link([^>]*)\/>/im;
// Regex to find type attribute
const findtype = /type="([\S]*?)"/im;
const findhref = /href="([\S]*?)"/im;
// the head of the document, note that document.head do not always work
const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement;
let loadedStylesheetUrls = null;
let parserElement = null;
const initialnodes = str.match(findlinks);
while (!!initialnodes && initialnodes.length > 0) {
const linkStr = initialnodes.shift().match(findlink);
// check the type - skip if specified but not text/css
const type = linkStr[1].match(findtype);
if (!!type && type[1] !== "text/css") {
const href = linkStr[1].match(findhref);
if (!!href && href[1]) {
if (loadedStylesheetUrls === null) {
const loadedLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
loadedStylesheetUrls = [];
for ( const linkNode of loadedLinks ) {
const linkNodeType = linkNode.getAttribute("type");
if (!linkNodeType || linkNodeType === "text/css") {
const url = linkNode.getAttribute("href");
if (url) {
const url = unescapeHTML(href[1]);
if ( loadedStylesheetUrls && loadedStylesheetUrls.indexOf(url) < 0) {
// create stylesheet node
parserElement = parserElement !== null ? parserElement : document.createElement('div');
parserElement.innerHTML = linkStr[0];
const linkNode = parserElement.firstChild;
linkNode.type = 'text/css';
linkNode.rel = 'stylesheet';
linkNode.href = url;
head.appendChild(linkNode); // add it to end of the head (and don't remove it)
* Replace DOM element with a new tag name and supplied innerHTML
* @param element element to replace
* @param tempTagName new tag name to replace with
* @param src string new content for element
* @ignore
const elementReplaceStr = function elementReplaceStr(element, tempTagName, src) {
// Creating a head element isn't allowed in IE, and faulty in most browsers,
// so it is not allowed
if (element && element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "head")
throw new Error("Attempted to replace a head element - this is not allowed.");
const temp = document.createElement(tempTagName);
if (element.id) {
temp.id = element.id;
if (isAutoExec()) {
temp.innerHTML = src;
cloneAttributes(temp, element);
replaceNode(temp, element);
else {
// Get scripts from text
const scripts = getScripts(src);
// Remove scripts from text
src = removeScripts(src);
temp.innerHTML = src;
cloneAttributes(temp, element);
replaceNode(temp, element);
// --- Faces xml errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const PARSED_OK = "Document contains no parsing errors";
const PARSED_EMPTY = "Document is empty";
const PARSED_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "Not well-formed or other error";
* <p>Returns a human readable description of the parsing error. Useful
* for debugging. Tip: append the returned error string in a <pre>
* element if you want to render it.</p>
* @param doc The target DOM document
* @returns {String} The parsing error description of the target Document in
* human readable form (preformatted text)
* @ignore
* Note: This code originally from Sarissa: http://dev.abiss.gr/sarissa
const getParseErrorText = function (doc) {
let parseErrorText = PARSED_OK;
if ((!doc) || (!doc.documentElement)) {
parseErrorText = PARSED_EMPTY;
} else if (doc.documentElement.tagName === "parsererror") {
parseErrorText = doc.documentElement.firstChild.data;
parseErrorText += "\n" + doc.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.data;
} else if (doc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0) {
const parsererror = doc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0];
// parseErrorText = getText(parsererror, true) + "\n";
parseErrorText = parsererror.textContent + "\n";
} else if (doc.parseError && doc.parseError.errorCode !== 0) {
return parseErrorText;
// --- DOM Manipulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PENDING - add support for removing handlers added via DOM 2 methods
const NODE_EVENTS = [
'abort', 'blur', 'change', 'error', 'focus', 'load', 'reset', 'resize', 'scroll', 'select', 'submit', 'unload',
'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'click', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'mouseover', 'mouseup', 'dblclick'
* Delete all events attached to a node
* @param node
* @ignore
const clearEvents = function clearEvents(node) {
if (!node) {
// don't do anything for text and comment nodes - unnecessary
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// remove the events from node
try {
for (const eventName of NODE_EVENTS)
node[eventName] = null;
} catch (ex) {
// it's OK if it fails, at least we tried
* Deletes node
* @param node
* @ignore
const deleteNode = function deleteNode(node) {
if (node) node.remove();
* Delete all nodes
* @param nodes array of node
* @ignore
const deleteNodes = function deleteNodes( nodes ) {
for ( const node of nodes )
* Deletes all children of a node
* @param node
* @ignore
const deleteChildren = function deleteChildren(node) {
if (node)
while (node.lastChild)
* <p> Copies the childNodes of nodeFrom to nodeTo</p>
* @param nodeFrom the Node to copy the childNodes from
* @param nodeTo the Node to copy the childNodes to
* @ignore
const copyChildNodes = function copyChildNodes(nodeFrom, nodeTo) {
if ((!nodeFrom) || (!nodeTo)) {
throw "Both source and destination nodes must be provided";
// if within the same doc, just move, else copy and delete
if (nodeFrom.ownerDocument === nodeTo.ownerDocument) {
while (nodeFrom.firstChild)
} else {
const ownerDoc = nodeTo.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? nodeTo : nodeTo.ownerDocument;
const nodeFromChildNodes = nodeFrom.childNodes;
//if ( typeof(ownerDoc.importNode) !== UDEF ) {
for ( const nodeFromChild of nodeFromChildNodes )
nodeTo.appendChild(ownerDoc.importNode(nodeFromChild, true));
//} else {
// for ( const nodeFromChild of nodeFromChildNodes )
// nodeTo.appendChild(nodeFromChild.cloneNode(true));
* Replace one node with another.
* @param node node to replace
* @param newNode the new node that's replace the old one
* @ignore
const replaceNode = function replaceNode(newNode, node) {
* @ignore
const propertyToAttribute = function propertyToAttribute(name) {
if (name === 'className') return 'class';
else if (name === 'xmllang') return 'xml:lang';
else return name.toLowerCase();
// Enumerate all the names of the event listeners
'onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onmousedown', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout',
'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup',
'onhelp', 'onblur', 'onfocus', 'onchange', 'onload', 'onunload', 'onabort',
'onreset', 'onselect', 'onsubmit'
// enumerate core element attributes - without 'dir' as special case
const coreElementProperties = ['className', 'title', 'lang', 'xmllang'];
// enumerate additional input element attributes
const inputElementProperties = [ 'name', 'value', 'src', 'alt', 'useMap', 'tabIndex', 'accessKey', 'accept', 'type' ];
// core + input element properties
const coreAndInputElementProperties = coreElementProperties.concat(inputElementProperties);
// enumerate additional integer input attributes
const inputElementPositiveIntegerProperties = [ 'size', 'maxLength' ];
// enumerate additional boolean input attributes
const inputElementBooleanProperties = [ 'checked', 'disabled', 'readOnly' ];
const TABLE_INNER_TAGS = ['td', 'th', 'tr', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot'];
* copy all attributes from one element to another - except id
* @param target element to copy attributes to
* @param source element to copy attributes from
* @ignore
const cloneAttributes = function cloneAttributes(target, source) {
const isInputElement = target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
const propertyNames = isInputElement ? coreAndInputElementProperties : coreElementProperties;
const isXML = !source.ownerDocument.contentType || source.ownerDocument.contentType === 'text/xml';
for (const propertyName of propertyNames) {
const attributeName = propertyToAttribute(propertyName);
const sourceValue = isXML ? source.getAttribute(attributeName) : source[propertyName];
if (isNotNull(sourceValue)) target[propertyName] = sourceValue;
if (isInputElement) {
for (const propertyName of inputElementPositiveIntegerProperties) {
const attributeName = propertyToAttribute(propertyName);
const sourceValue = isXML ? source.getAttribute(attributeName) : source[propertyName];
if (parseInt(sourceValue) >= 0) target[propertyName] = sourceValue;
for (const booleanPropertyName of inputElementBooleanProperties) {
const newBooleanValue = source[booleanPropertyName];
if (isNotNull(newBooleanValue)) target[booleanPropertyName] = newBooleanValue;
//'style' attribute special case
if (source.hasAttribute('style')) {
const sourceStyle = source.getAttribute('style');
if (isNotNull(sourceStyle)) target.setAttribute('style', sourceStyle);
} else if (target.hasAttribute('style')) {
// Special case for 'dir' attribute
if (source.dir !== target.dir) {
if (source.hasAttribute('dir')) {
target.dir = source.dir;
} else if (target.hasAttribute('dir')) {
target.dir = '';
for (const name of LISTENER_NAMES) {
target[name] = source[name] ? source[name] : null;
if (source[name]) {
source[name] = null;
// clone HTML5 data-* attributes
const sourceDataset = source.dataset;
const targetDataset = target.dataset;
if (targetDataset || sourceDataset) {
//cleanup the dataset
for (const tp in targetDataset) {
delete targetDataset[tp];
//copy dataset's properties
for (const sp in sourceDataset) {
targetDataset[sp] = sourceDataset[sp];
* Replace an element from one document into another
* @param newElement new element to put in document
* @param origElement original element to replace
* @ignore
const elementReplace = function elementReplace(newElement, origElement) {
// copy source attributes to target node
try {
cloneAttributes(origElement, newElement);
} catch (ex) {
// if in dev mode, report an error, else try to limp onward
if (faces.getProjectStage() === "Development") {
throw new Error("Error updating attributes");
// copy source html to target node
origElement.innerHTML = newElement.innerHTML;
// delete source node
* Create a new document, then select the body element within it
* @param docStr Stringified version of document to create
* @return element the body element
* @ignore
const getBodyElement = function getBodyElement(docStr) {
const doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(docStr, "text/xml")
// if there is an error
const parsedError = getParseErrorText(doc);
if (parsedError !== PARSED_OK) {
throw new Error(parsedError);
// doc.body do not work in this situation
const body = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
if (!body) {
throw new Error("Can't find body tag in returned document.");
return body;
// --- Faces Ajax response DOM operation algorithms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Find encoded url field for a given form.
* @param form
* @ignore
const getEncodedUrlElement = function getEncodedUrlElement(form) {
return getFormInputElementByName(form,ENCODED_URL_PARAM);
* Update hidden state fields from the server into the DOM for any Faces forms which need to be updated.
* This covers at least the form that submitted the request and any form that is covered in the render target list.
* @param updateElement The update element of partial response holding the state value.
* @param context An object containing the request context, including the following properties:
* the source element, per call onerror callback function, per call onevent callback function, the render
* instructions, the submitting form ID, the naming container ID and naming container prefix.
* @param hiddenStateFieldName The hidden state field name, e.g. jakarta.faces.ViewState or jakarta.faces.ClientWindow
const updateHiddenStateFields = function updateHiddenStateFields(updateElement, context, hiddenStateFieldName) {
const firstChild = updateElement.firstChild;
const state = (typeof firstChild.wholeText !== 'undefined') ? firstChild.wholeText : firstChild.nodeValue;
const formsToUpdate = getFormsToUpdate(context);
for ( const form of formsToUpdate ) {
let field = getHiddenStateField(form, hiddenStateFieldName, context.namingContainerPrefix);
if (isNull(field)) {
field = document.createElement("input");
field.type = "hidden";
field.name = context.namingContainerPrefix + hiddenStateFieldName;
field.value = state;
* Find hidden state field for a given form.
* @param form The form to find hidden state field in.
* @param hiddenStateFieldName The hidden state field name, e.g. jakarta.faces.ViewState or jakarta.faces.ClientWindow
* @param namingContainerPrefix The naming container prefix, if any (the view root ID suffixed with separator character).
* @ignore
const getHiddenStateField = function getHiddenStateField(form, hiddenStateFieldName, namingContainerPrefix) {
const fullHiddenStateFieldName = namingContainerPrefix ? namingContainerPrefix+hiddenStateFieldName : hiddenStateFieldName;
return getFormInputElementByName( form , fullHiddenStateFieldName );
* Do update.
* @param updateElement The update element of partial response.
* @param context An object containing the request context, including the following properties:
* the source element, per call onerror callback function, per call onevent callback function, the render
* instructions, the submitting form ID, the naming container ID and naming container prefix.
* @ignore
const doUpdate = function doUpdate(updateElement, context) {
let scripts = []; // temp holding value for array of script nodes
let newElement;
const id = updateElement.getAttribute('id');
const viewStateRegex = new RegExp(context.namingContainerPrefix + VIEW_STATE_PARAM + faces.separatorchar + ".+$");
const windowIdRegex = new RegExp(context.namingContainerPrefix + CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM + faces.separatorchar + ".+$");
if (id.match(viewStateRegex)) {
updateHiddenStateFields(updateElement, context, VIEW_STATE_PARAM);
} else if (id.match(windowIdRegex)) {
updateHiddenStateFields(updateElement, context, CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM);
// join the CDATA sections in the markup
let markup = EMPTY;
for ( const updateElementChild of updateElement.childNodes ) {
markup += updateElementChild.nodeValue;
const src = markup;
if (id === "jakarta.faces.ViewHead") {
throw new Error("jakarta.faces.ViewHead not supported - browsers cannot reliably replace the head's contents");
} else if (id === "jakarta.faces.Resource") {
scripts = getScripts(src);
} else {
const element = getElemById(id);
if (context.namingContainerId && id === context.namingContainerId) {
// spec790: If UIViewRoot is a NamingContainer and this is currently being updated,
// then it means that ajax navigation has taken place.
// So, ensure that context.render has correct value for this condition,
// because this is not necessarily correctly specified during the request.
context.render = element ? context.namingContainerId : "@all";
if (id === "jakarta.faces.ViewRoot" || id === "jakarta.faces.ViewBody" || context.render === "@all") {
// spec790: If UIViewRoot is currently being updated,
// then it means that ajax navigation has taken place.
// So, ensure that context.render has correct value for this condition,
// because this is not necessarily correctly specified during the request.
context.render = "@all";
const bodyStartEx = new RegExp("< *body[^>]*>", "gi");
const bodyEndEx = new RegExp("< */ *body[^>]*>", "gi");
// document.body is not working as expected
const docBody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
const bodyStart = bodyStartEx.exec(src);
// replace body tag
if (bodyStart !== null) {
// First, try with XML manipulation
try {
// Get scripts from text
scripts = getScripts(src);
// Remove scripts from text
const newSrc = removeScripts(src);
elementReplace(getBodyElement(newSrc), docBody);
} catch (e) {
// OK, replacing the body didn't work with XML - fall back to quirks mode insert
let srcBody, bodyEnd;
// if src contains </body>
bodyEnd = bodyEndEx.exec(src);
if (bodyEnd !== null) {
srcBody = src.substring(bodyStartEx.lastIndex, bodyEnd.index);
} else { // can't find the </body> tag, punt
srcBody = src.substring(bodyStartEx.lastIndex);
// replace body contents with innerHTML - note, script handling happens within function
elementReplaceStr(docBody, "body", srcBody);
// replace body contents with innerHTML - note, script handling happens within function
else {
elementReplaceStr(docBody, "body", src);
} else {
if (!element) {
throw new Error("During update: " + id + " not found");
// Trim space padding before assigning to innerHTML
let html = src.trim();
let newElementContainer = document.createElement('div');
const tag = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
const isTableInnerElement = TABLE_INNER_TAGS.includes(tag);
if (isTableInnerElement) {
if (isAutoExec()) {
// enclose new html inside a table
newElementContainer.innerHTML = '<table>' + html + '</table>';
} else {
// Get the scripts from the html
scripts = getScripts(html);
// Remove scripts from html
html = removeScripts(html);
// enclose new html inside a table
newElementContainer.innerHTML = '<table>' + html + '</table>';
newElement = newElementContainer.firstChild;
//some browsers will also create intermediary elements such as table>tbody>tr>td
while ((null !== newElement) && (id !== newElement.id)) {
newElement = newElement.firstChild;
} else if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
// special case handling for 'input' elements
// in order to not lose focus when updating,
// input elements need to be added in place.
newElementContainer = document.createElement('div');
newElementContainer.innerHTML = html;
newElement = newElementContainer.firstChild;
cloneAttributes(element, newElement);
} else if (html.length > 0) {
if (isAutoExec()) {
// Create html
newElementContainer.innerHTML = html;
} else {
// Get the scripts from the text
scripts = getScripts(html);
// Remove scripts from text
html = removeScripts(html);
newElementContainer.innerHTML = html;
replaceNode(newElementContainer.firstChild, element);
* Delete a node specified by the element.
* @param element
* @ignore
const doDelete = function doDelete(element) {
if (element) deleteNode(getElemById(element.getAttribute('id')));
* Insert a node specified by the element.
* @param element
* @ignore
const doInsert = function doInsert(element) {
let target = getElemById(element.firstChild.getAttribute('id'));
const parent = target.parentNode;
let html = element.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
// todo: check if is it possible to use the TABLE_ELEMENTS array and remove the RegExp
const tablePattern = new RegExp("<\\s*(td|th|tr|tbody|thead|tfoot)", "i");
const isInTable = tablePattern.test(html);
if (!isAutoExec()) {
// Get the scripts from the text
const scripts = getScripts(html);
// Remove scripts from text
html = removeScripts(html);
// execute scripts
const tempElement = document.createElement('div');
let newElement;
if (isInTable) {
tempElement.innerHTML = '<table>' + html + '</table>';
newElement = tempElement.firstChild;
//some browsers will also create intermediary elements such as table>tbody>tr>td
//test for presence of id on the new element since we do not have it directly
while ((null !== newElement) && (EMPTY === newElement.id)) {
newElement = newElement.firstChild;
} else {
tempElement.innerHTML = html;
newElement = tempElement.firstChild;
if (element.firstChild.nodeName === 'after') {
// Get the next in the list, to insert before
target = target.nextSibling;
} // otherwise, this is a 'before' element
if (!!tempElement.innerHTML) { // check if only scripts were inserted - if so, do nothing here
parent.insertBefore(newElement, target);
* Modify attributes of given element id.
* @param element
* @ignore
const doAttributes = function doAttributes(element) {
// Get id of element we'll act against
const id = element.getAttribute('id');
const target = getElemById(id);
if (!target) {
throw new Error("The specified id: " + id + " was not found in the page.");
// There can be multiple attributes modified. Loop through the list.
const nodes = element.childNodes;
for ( const node of nodes ) {
const name = node.getAttribute('name');
const value = node.getAttribute('value');
//boolean attribute handling code for all browsers
if (name === 'disabled') {
target.disabled = value === 'disabled' || value === 'true';
} else if (name === 'checked') {
target.checked = value === 'checked' || value === 'on' || value === 'true';
} else if (name === 'readonly') {
target.readOnly = value === 'readonly' || value === 'true';
if (name === 'value') {
target.value = value;
} else {
target.setAttribute(name, value);
* Eval the CDATA of the element.
* Evaluate the parsed JavaScript code in a global context.
* @param element to eval
* @ignore
const doEval = function doEval(element) {
(() => { //
const src = element ? element.textContent : undefined;
if (src) window.eval.call(window, src);
else console.warn('called doEval with no source code');
* Ajax Request Queue
* @ignore
const Queue = function Queue() {
// Create the internal queue
let queue = [];
// the amount of space at the front of the queue, initialised to zero
let queueSpace = 0;
/** Returns the size of this Queue. The size of a Queue is equal to the number
* of elements that have been enqueued minus the number of elements that have
* been dequeued.
* @ignore
this.getSize = function getSize() {
return queue.length - queueSpace;
* Returns true if this Queue is empty, and false otherwise. A Queue is empty
* if the number of elements that have been enqueued equals the number of
* elements that have been dequeued.
* @ignore
this.isEmpty = function isEmpty() {
return (queue.length === 0);
* Enqueues the specified element in this Queue.
* @param element - the element to enqueue
* @ignore
this.enqueue = function enqueue(element) {
* Dequeues an element from this Queue. The oldest element in this Queue is
* removed and returned. If this Queue is empty then undefined is returned.
* @returns Object The element that was removed from the queue.
* @ignore
this.dequeue = function dequeue() {
// initialise the element to return to be undefined
let element = undefined;
// check whether the queue is empty
if (queue.length) {
// fetch the oldest element in the queue
element = queue[queueSpace];
// update the amount of space and check whether a shift should occur
if (++queueSpace * 2 >= queue.length) {
// set the queue equal to the non-empty portion of the queue
queue = queue.slice(queueSpace);
// reset the amount of space at the front of the queue
queueSpace = 0;
// return the removed element
return element;
* Returns the oldest element in this Queue. If this Queue is empty then
* undefined is returned. This function returns the same value as the dequeue
* function, but does not remove the returned element from this Queue.
* @ignore
this.getOldestElement = function getOldestElement() {
return queue.length ? queue[queueSpace] : undefined;
* AjaxEngine handles Ajax implementation details.
* @ignore
const AjaxEngine = function AjaxEngine(context) {
const req = {}; // Request Object
req.url = null; // Request URL
req.context = context; // Context of request and response
req.context.sourceid = null; // Source of this request
req.context.onerror = null; // Error handler for request
req.context.onevent = null; // Event handler for request
req.context.namingContainerId = null; // If UIViewRoot is an instance of NamingContainer this represents its ID.
req.context.namingContainerPrefix = null; // If UIViewRoot is an instance of NamingContainer this represents its ID suffixed with separator character, else an empty string.
req.xmlReq = null; // XMLHttpRequest Object
req.async = true; // Default - Asynchronous
req.parameters = {}; // Parameters For GET or POST
req.queryString = null; // Encoded Data For GET or POST
req.method = null; // GET or POST
req.status = null; // Response Status Code From Server
req.fromQueue = false; // Indicates if the request was taken off the queue before being sent. This prevents the request from entering the queue redundantly.
req.que = new Queue(); // the queue for requests
req.xmlReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); // The real XMLHttpRequest Level2
// Set up request/response state callbacks
* @ignore
req.xmlReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.xmlReq.readyState === 4) {
* This function is called when the request/response interaction
* is complete. If the return status code is successfull,
* dequeue all requests from the queue that have completed. If a
* request has been found on the queue that has not been sent,
* send the request.
* @ignore
req.onComplete = function onComplete() {
if (req.xmlReq.status && (req.xmlReq.status >= 200 && req.xmlReq.status < 300)) {
sendEvent(req.xmlReq, req.context, "complete");
faces.ajax.response(req.xmlReq, req.context);
} else {
sendEvent(req.xmlReq, req.context, "complete");
sendError(req.xmlReq, req.context, "httpError");
// Regardless of whether the request completed successfully (or not),
// dequeue requests that have been completed (readyState 4) and send
// requests that ready to be sent (readyState 0).
let nextReq = req.que.getOldestElement();
if (isNull(nextReq)) {
while (isNotNull(nextReq.xmlReq) && nextReq.xmlReq.readyState === 4) {
nextReq = req.que.getOldestElement();
if (isNull(nextReq)) {
if (isNull(nextReq)) {
if (isNotNull(nextReq.xmlReq) && nextReq.xmlReq.readyState === 0) {
nextReq.fromQueue = true;
* Utility method that accepts additional arguments for the AjaxEngine.
* If an argument is passed in that matches an AjaxEngine property, the
* argument value becomes the value of the AjaxEngine property.
* Arguments that don't match AjaxEngine properties are added as
* request parameters.
* @ignore
req.setupArguments = function(args) {
for (const i of Object.keys(args) ) {
if (typeof req[i] === UDEF) {
req.parameters[i] = args[i];
} else {
req[i] = args[i];
* This function does final encoding of parameters, determines the request method
* (GET or POST) and sends the request using the specified url.
* @ignore
req.sendRequest = function () {
if (isNotNull(req.xmlReq)) {
// if there is already a request on the queue waiting to be processed..
// just queue this request
// TODO: add support for async ajax requests
// https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/mojarra/issues/4946
if (!req.que.isEmpty()) {
if (!req.fromQueue) {
// If the queue is empty, queue up this request and send
if (!req.fromQueue) {
// Some logic to get the real request URL
if (req.generateUniqueUrl && req.method === "GET") {
req.parameters["AjaxRequestUniqueId"] = new Date().getTime() + EMPTY + req.requestIndex;
// is a multipart form data ?
const isMultiPart = (req.method === "POST" && context.form.enctype === 'multipart/form-data');
// If multipart prepare the FormData
const formData = isMultiPart ? new FormData(context.form) : undefined;
// Add parameters encoded or multipart
for ( const i of Object.keys(req.parameters) ) {
// if is multipart request -> add parameter to FormData
if ( isMultiPart ) {
// else is a normal post request -> add encoded request query string to queryString for POST
else {
if (req.queryString.length > 0) req.queryString += "&";
req.queryString += encodeURIComponent(i) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(req.parameters[i]);
// GET Request
if (req.method === "GET") {
if (req.queryString.length > 0) {
req.url += ((req.url.indexOf("?") > -1) ? "&" : "?") + req.queryString;
// Open Ajax request
req.xmlReq.open(req.method, req.url, req.async);
// note that we are including the charset=UTF-8 as part of the content type (even
// if encodeURIComponent encodes as UTF-8), because with some
// browsers it will not be set in the request. Some server implementations need to
// determine the character encoding from the request header content type.
if (req.method === "POST") {
req.xmlReq.setRequestHeader('Faces-Request', 'partial/ajax');
// file upload
if ( isMultiPart ) formData.append('Faces-Request','partial/ajax');
// GET or POST
// req.xmlReq.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8');
else req.xmlReq.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type' , context.form.enctype+';charset=UTF-8' );
// note that async == false is not a supported feature. We may change it in ways
// that break existing programs at any time, with no warning.
if (!req.async) req.xmlReq.onreadystatechange = null; // no need for readystate change listening
// Send begin event
sendEvent(req.xmlReq, req.context, "begin");
// IF multipart/form-data use FormData
if (isMultiPart) req.xmlReq.send(formData);
// ELSE use query string
else req.xmlReq.send(req.queryString);
// call OnComplete if not async
if(!req.async) req.onComplete();
return req;
* Error handling callback.
* Assumes that the request has completed.
* @ignore
const sendError = function sendError(request, context, status, description, serverErrorName, serverErrorMessage) {
// Possible error names:
// httpError
// emptyResponse
// serverError
// malformedXML
let sent = false;
const data = {}; // data payload for function
data.type = "error";
data.status = status;
data.source = context.sourceid;
data.responseCode = request.status;
data.responseXML = request.responseXML;
data.responseText = request.responseText;
// ensure data source is the dom element and not the ID
// per 14.4.1 of the 2.0 specification.
if (typeof data.source === 'string') {
data.source = document.getElementById(data.source);
if (description) {
data.description = description;
} else if (status === "httpError") {
if (data.responseCode === 0) {
data.description = "The Http Transport returned a 0 status code. This is usually the result of mixing ajax and full requests. This is usually undesired, for both performance and data integrity reasons.";
} else {
data.description = "There was an error communicating with the server, status: " + data.responseCode;
} else if (status === "serverError") {
data.description = serverErrorMessage;
} else if (status === "emptyResponse") {
data.description = "An empty response was received from the server. Check server error logs.";
} else if (status === "malformedXML") {
const parsedErrorText = getParseErrorText(data.responseXML);
if ( parsedErrorText !== PARSED_OK) {
data.description = parsedErrorText;
} else {
data.description = "An invalid XML response was received from the server.";
if (status === "serverError") {
data.errorName = serverErrorName;
data.errorMessage = serverErrorMessage;
// If we have a registered callback, send the error to it.
// TODO: do we need to call the function in the global context?
if (context.onerror) {
context.onerror.call(null, data);
sent = true;
// TODO: do we need to call these functions in the global context?
for (const listener of errorListeners) {
listener.call(null, data);
sent = true;
if (!sent && faces.getProjectStage() === "Development") {
if (status === "serverError") {
alert("serverError: " + serverErrorName + SPACE + serverErrorMessage);
} else {
alert(status + ": " + data.description);
* Event handling callback.
* Request is assumed to have completed, except in the case of event = 'begin'.
* @ignore
const sendEvent = function sendEvent(request, context, status) {
const data = {};
data.type = "event";
data.status = status;
data.source = context.sourceid;
// ensure data source is the dom element and not the ID
// per 14.4.1 of the 2.0 specification.
if (typeof data.source === 'string') {
data.source = document.getElementById(data.source);
if (status !== 'begin') {
data.responseCode = request.status;
data.responseXML = request.responseXML;
data.responseText = request.responseText;
// TODO: do we need to call this functions in the global context?
if (context.onevent) {
context.onevent.call(null, data);
// TODO: do we need to call these functions in the global context?
for (const listener of eventListeners) {
listener.call(null, data);
const unescapeHTML = function unescapeHTML(escapedHTML) {
return escapedHTML
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/&/g, '&');
// Use module pattern to return the functions we actually expose
return {
* Register a callback for error handling.
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* faces.ajax.addOnError(handleError);
* ...
* var handleError = function handleError(data) {
* ...
* }
* </pre></code>
* <p><b>Implementation Requirements:</b></p>
* This function must accept a reference to an existing JavaScript function.
* The JavaScript function reference must be added to a list of callbacks, making it possible
* to register more than one callback by invoking <code>faces.ajax.addOnError</code>
* more than once. This function must throw an error if the <code>callback</code>
* argument is not a function.
* @member faces.ajax
* @function faces.ajax.addOnError
* @param callback a reference to a function to call on an error
addOnError: function addOnError(callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.addOnError: Added a callback that was not a function.");
* Register a callback for event handling.
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* faces.ajax.addOnEvent(statusUpdate);
* ...
* var statusUpdate = function statusUpdate(data) {
* ...
* }
* </pre></code>
* <p><b>Implementation Requirements:</b></p>
* This function must accept a reference to an existing JavaScript function.
* The JavaScript function reference must be added to a list of callbacks, making it possible
* to register more than one callback by invoking <code>faces.ajax.addOnEvent</code>
* more than once. This function must throw an error if the <code>callback</code>
* argument is not a function.
* @member faces.ajax
* @function faces.ajax.addOnEvent
* @param callback a reference to a function to call on an event
addOnEvent: function addOnEvent(callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.addOnEvent: Added a callback that was not a function");
* <p><span class="changed_modified_2_2">Send</span> an
* asynchronous Ajax req uest to the server.
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* Example showing all optional arguments:
* <commandButton id="button1" value="submit"
* onclick="faces.ajax.request(this,event,
* {execute:'button1',render:'status',onevent: handleEvent,onerror: handleError});return false;"/>
* </commandButton/>
* </pre></code>
* <p><b>Implementation Requirements:</b></p>
* This function must:
* <ul>
* <li>Be used within the context of a <code>form</code><span class="changed_added_2_3">,
* else throw an error</span>.</li>
* <li>Capture the element that triggered this Ajax request
* (from the <code>source</code> argument, also known as the
* <code>source</code> element.</li>
* <li>If the <code>source</code> element is <code>null</code> or
* <code>undefined</code> throw an error.</li>
* <li>If the <code>source</code> argument is not a <code>string</code> or
* DOM element object, throw an error.</li>
* <li>If the <code>source</code> argument is a <code>string</code>, find the
* DOM element for that <code>string</code> identifier.
* <li>If the DOM element could not be determined, throw an error.</li>
* <li class="changed_added_2_3">If the <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code>
* element could not be found, throw an error.</li>
* <li class="changed_added_2_3">If the ID of the <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code>
* element has a <code><VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID><SEP></code>
* prefix, where <SEP> is the currently configured
* <code>UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar()</code> and
* <VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID> is the return from
* <code>UIViewRoot.getContainerClientId()</code> on the
* view from whence this state originated, then remember it as <i>namespace prefix</i>.
* This is needed during encoding of the set of post data arguments.</li>
* <li>If the <code>onerror</code> and <code>onevent</code> arguments are set,
* they must be functions, or throw an error.
* <li>Determine the <code>source</code> element's <code>form</code>
* element.</li>
* <li>Get the <code>form</code> view state by calling
* {@link faces.getViewState} passing the
* <code>form</code> element as the argument.</li>
* <li>Collect post data arguments for the Ajax request.
* <ul>
* <li>The following name/value pairs are required post data arguments:
* <table border="1">
* <tr>
* <th>name</th>
* <th>value</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code></td>
* <td><code>Contents of jakarta.faces.ViewState hidden field. This is included when
* {@link faces.getViewState} is used.</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>jakarta.faces.partial.ajax</code></td>
* <td><code>true</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>jakarta.faces.source</code></td>
* <td><code>The identifier of the element that triggered this request.</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr class="changed_added_2_2">
* <td><code>jakarta.faces.ClientWindow</code></td>
* <td><code>Call faces.getClientWindow(), passing the current
* form. If the return is non-null, it must be set as the
* value of this name/value pair, otherwise, a name/value
* pair for client window must not be sent.</code></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Collect optional post data arguments for the Ajax request.
* <ul>
* <li>Determine additional arguments (if any) from the <code>options</code>
* argument. If <code>options.execute</code> exists:
* <ul>
* <li>If the keyword <code>@none</code> is present, do not create and send
* the post data argument <code>jakarta.faces.partial.execute</code>.</li>
* <li>If the keyword <code>@all</code> is present, create the post data argument with
* the name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.execute</code> and the value <code>@all</code>.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, there are specific identifiers that need to be sent. Create the post
* data argument with the name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.execute</code> and the value as a
* space delimited <code>string</code> of client identifiers.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>If <code>options.execute</code> does not exist, create the post data argument with the
* name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.execute</code> and the value as the identifier of the
* element that caused this request.</li>
* <li>If <code>options.render</code> exists:
* <ul>
* <li>If the keyword <code>@none</code> is present, do not create and send
* the post data argument <code>jakarta.faces.partial.render</code>.</li>
* <li>If the keyword <code>@all</code> is present, create the post data argument with
* the name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.render</code> and the value <code>@all</code>.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, there are specific identifiers that need to be sent. Create the post
* data argument with the name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.render</code> and the value as a
* space delimited <code>string</code> of client identifiers.</li>
* </ul>
* <li>If <code>options.render</code> does not exist do not create and send the
* post data argument <code>jakarta.faces.partial.render</code>.</li>
* <li class="changed_added_2_2">If
* <code>options.delay</code> exists let it be the value
* <em>delay</em>, for this discussion. If
* <code>options.delay</code> does not exist, or is the
* literal string <code>'none'</code>, without the quotes,
* no delay is used. If less than <em>delay</em>
* milliseconds elapses between calls to <em>request()</em>
* only the most recent one is sent and all other requests
* are discarded.</li>
* <li class="changed_added_2_2">If
* <code>options.resetValues</code> exists and its value is
* <code>true</code>, ensure a post data argument with the
* name <code>jakarta.faces.partial.resetValues</code> and the
* value <code>true</code> is sent in addition to the other
* post data arguments. This will cause
* <code>UIViewRoot.resetValues()</code> to be called,
* passing the value of the "render" attribute. Note: do
* not use any of the <code>@</code> keywords such as
* <code>@form</code> or <code>@this</code> with this option
* because <code>UIViewRoot.resetValues()</code> does not
* descend into the children of the listed components.</li>
* <li>Determine additional arguments (if any) from the <code>event</code>
* argument. The following name/value pairs may be used from the
* <code>event</code> object:
* <ul>
* <li><code>target</code> - the ID of the element that triggered the event.</li>
* <li><code>captured</code> - the ID of the element that captured the event.</li>
* <li><code>type</code> - the type of event (ex: onkeypress)</li>
* <li><code>alt</code> - <code>true</code> if ALT key was pressed.</li>
* <li><code>ctrl</code> - <code>true</code> if CTRL key was pressed.</li>
* <li><code>shift</code> - <code>true</code> if SHIFT key was pressed. </li>
* <li><code>meta</code> - <code>true</code> if META key was pressed. </li>
* <li><code>right</code> - <code>true</code> if right mouse button
* was pressed. </li>
* <li><code>left</code> - <code>true</code> if left mouse button
* was pressed. </li>
* <li><code>keycode</code> - the key code.
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Encode the set of post data arguments. <span class="changed_added_2_3">
* If the <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code> element has a namespace prefix, then
* make sure that all post data arguments are prefixed with this namespace prefix.
* </span></li>
* <li>Join the encoded view state with the encoded set of post data arguments
* to form the <code>query string</code> that will be sent to the server.</li>
* <li>Create a request <code>context</code> object and set the properties:
* <ul><li><code>source</code> (the source DOM element for this request)</li>
* <li><code>onerror</code> (the error handler for this request)</li>
* <li><code>onevent</code> (the event handler for this request)</li></ul>
* The request context will be used during error/event handling.</li>
* <li>Send a <code>begin</code> event following the procedure as outlined
* in the Jakarta Faces Specification Document section "Sending Events".</li>
* <li>Set the request header with the name: <code>Faces-Request</code> and the
* value: <code>partial/ajax</code>.</li>
* <li>Determine the <code>posting URL</code> as follows: If the hidden field
* <code>jakarta.faces.encodedURL</code> is present in the submitting form, use its
* value as the <code>posting URL</code>. Otherwise, use the <code>action</code>
* property of the <code>form</code> element as the <code>URL</code>.</li>
* <li>
* <p><span class="changed_modified_2_2">Determine whether
* or not the submitting form is using
* <code>multipart/form-data</code> as its
* <code>enctype</code> attribute. If not, send the request
* as an <code>asynchronous POST</code> using the
* <code>posting URL</code> that was determined in the
* previous step.</span> <span
* class="changed_added_2_2">Otherwise, send the request
* using a multi-part capable transport layer, such as a
* hidden inline frame. Note that using a hidden inline
* frame does <strong>not</strong> use
* <code>XMLHttpRequest</code>, but the request must be sent
* with all the parameters that a Faces
* <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> would have been sent with.
* In this way, the server side processing of the request
* will be identical whether or the request is multipart or
* not.</span></p>
* <div class="changed_added_2_2">
* <p>The <code>begin</code>, <code>complete</code>, and
* <code>success</code> events must be emulated when using
* the multipart transport. This allows any listeners to
* behave uniformly regardless of the multipart or
* <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> nature of the transport.</p>
* </div></li>
* </ul>
* Form serialization should occur just before the request is sent to minimize
* the amount of time between the creation of the serialized form data and the
* sending of the serialized form data (in the case of long requests in the queue).
* Before the request is sent it must be put into a queue to ensure requests
* are sent in the same order as when they were initiated. The request callback function
* must examine the queue and determine the next request to be sent. The behavior of the
* request callback function must be as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>If the request completed successfully invoke {@link faces.ajax.response}
* passing the <code>request</code> object.</li>
* <li>If the request did not complete successfully, notify the client.</li>
* <li>Regardless of the outcome of the request (success or error) every request in the
* queue must be handled. Examine the status of each request in the queue starting from
* the request that has been in the queue the longest. If the status of the request is
* <code>complete</code> (readyState 4), dequeue the request (remove it from the queue).
* If the request has not been sent (readyState 0), send the request. Requests that are
* taken off the queue and sent should not be put back on the queue.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param source The DOM element that triggered this Ajax request, or an id string of the
* element to use as the triggering element.
* @param event The DOM event that triggered this Ajax request. The
* <code>event</code> argument is optional.
* @param options The set of available options that can be sent as
* request parameters to control client and/or server side
* request processing. Acceptable name/value pair options are:
* <table border="1">
* <tr>
* <th>name</th>
* <th>value</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>execute</code></td>
* <td><code>space seperated list of client identifiers</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>render</code></td>
* <td><code>space seperated list of client identifiers</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>onevent</code></td>
* <td><code>function to callback for event</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>onerror</code></td>
* <td><code>function to callback for error</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>params</code></td>
* <td><code>object containing parameters to include in the request</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr class="changed_added_2_2">
* <td><code>delay</code></td>
* <td>If less than <em>delay</em> milliseconds elapses
* between calls to <em>request()</em> only the most recent
* one is sent and all other requests are discarded. If the
* value of <em>delay</em> is the literal string
* <code>'none'</code> without the quotes, or no delay is
* specified, no delay is used. </td>
* </tr>
* <tr class="changed_added_2_2">
* <td><code>resetValues</code></td>
* <td>If true, ensure a post data argument with the name
* jakarta.faces.partial.resetValues and the value true is
* sent in addition to the other post data arguments. This
* will cause UIViewRoot.resetValues() to be called, passing
* the value of the "render" attribute. Note: do not use any
* of the @ keywords such as @form or @this with this option
* because UIViewRoot.resetValues() does not descend into
* the children of the listed components.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* The <code>options</code> argument is optional.
* @member faces.ajax
* @function faces.ajax.request
* @throws Error if first required argument
* <code>element</code> is not specified, or if one or more
* of the components in the <code>options.execute</code>
* list is a file upload component, but the form's enctype
* is not set to <code>multipart/form-data</code>
request: function request(source, event, options) {
const context = {};
if (isNull(source)) {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: source not set");
if(delayHandler) {
delayHandler = null;
// set up the element based on source
let element;
if (typeof source === 'string') {
element = document.getElementById(source);
} else if (typeof source === 'object') {
element = source;
} else {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: source must be object or string");
// attempt to handle case of name unset
// this might be true in a badly written composite component
if (!element.name) {
element.name = element.id;
context.element = element;
if (isNull(options)) {
options = {};
// Error handler for this request
let onerror = false;
if (options.onerror && typeof options.onerror === 'function') {
onerror = options.onerror;
} else if (options.onerror && typeof options.onerror !== 'function') {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: Added an onerror callback that was not a function");
// Event handler for this request
let onevent = false;
if (options.onevent && typeof options.onevent === 'function') {
onevent = options.onevent;
} else if (options.onevent && typeof options.onevent !== 'function') {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: Added an onevent callback that was not a function");
const form = getForm(element);
if (!form) {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: Method must be called within a form");
const viewStateElement = getHiddenStateField(form, VIEW_STATE_PARAM);
if (!viewStateElement) {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.request: Form has no view state element");
context.form = form;
context.formId = form.id;
// Set up additional arguments to be used in the request..
// Make sure "jakarta.faces.source" is set up.
// If there were "execute" ids specified, make sure we
// include the identifier of the source element in the
// "execute" list. If there were no "execute" ids
// specified, determine the default.
const args = {};
const namingContainerPrefix = viewStateElement.name.substring(0, viewStateElement.name.indexOf(VIEW_STATE_PARAM));
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.source"] = element.id;
if (event && !!event.type) {
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.event"] = event.type;
if ("resetValues" in options) {
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.resetValues"] = options.resetValues;
// do a partial submit only if it is enabled and:
// 1) option.execute is not defined, eg. <f:ajax />
// 2) if it is defined it should not contain @form or @all
const doPartialSubmit = PARTIAL_SUBMIT_ENABLED && ( !options.execute || ( !contains(options.execute,"@form") && !contains(options.execute,"@all") ) );
// If we have 'execute' identifiers:
// Handle any keywords that may be present.
// If @none present anywhere, do not send the
// "jakarta.faces.partial.execute" parameter.
// The 'execute' and 'render' lists must be space
// delimited.
if (options.execute) {
const isNone = contains(options.execute,"@none");
if ( !isNone ) {
const isAll = contains(options.execute,"@all");
if ( !isAll ) {
options.execute = options.execute.replace("@this", element.id);
options.execute = options.execute.replace("@form", form.id);
const temp = options.execute.split(SPACE);
if ( ! temp.includes(element.name) ) {
options.execute = element.name + SPACE + options.execute;
if (namingContainerPrefix) {
options.execute = namespaceParametersIfNecessary(options.execute, element.name, namingContainerPrefix);
} else {
options.execute = "@all";
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.execute"] = options.execute;
// in case of <f:ajax />
else {
// if id is equals to name then add only one of them to avoid duplicates inside options.execute
options.execute = (element.name === element.id) ? element.id : element.name+SPACE+element.id;
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.execute"] = options.execute;
if (options.render) {
const isNone = contains(options.render,"@none");
if ( !isNone ) {
const isAll = contains(options.render,"@all");
if ( !isAll ) {
options.render = options.render.replace("@this", element.id);
options.render = options.render.replace("@form", form.id);
if (namingContainerPrefix) {
options.render = namespaceParametersIfNecessary(options.render, element.name, namingContainerPrefix);
} else {
options.render = "@all";
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.render"] = options.render;
// delay value for request execution
const explicitlyDoNotDelay = ((typeof options.delay == 'undefined') || (typeof options.delay == 'string') &&
(options.delay.toLowerCase() === 'none'));
let delayValue;
if (typeof options.delay == 'number') {
delayValue = options.delay;
} else {
const converted = parseInt(options.delay);
if (!explicitlyDoNotDelay && isNaN(converted)) {
throw new Error('invalid value for delay option: ' + options.delay);
delayValue = converted;
// check the "execute" ids to see if any include an input of type "file"
context.includesInputFile = false;
let ids = options.execute.split(SPACE);
// if @all -> execute only this form
if ( ids.includes("@all") ) ids = [ form.id ];
if (ids) {
for ( const id of ids ) {
const elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (elem) {
if (elem.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ( elem.hasAttribute("type") ) {
if (elem.getAttribute("type") === "file") {
context.includesInputFile = true;
} else {
if (hasInputFileControl(elem)) {
context.includesInputFile = true;
// encoded query string to process, eventually with partial submit logic enabled
const viewState = doPartialSubmit ? faces.getPartialViewState( form , options.execute ) : faces.getViewState(form);
// copy all params to args
const params = options.params || {};
for (const property of Object.keys(params) ) {
args[namingContainerPrefix + property] = params[property];
// remove non-passthrough options
delete options.execute;
delete options.render;
delete options.onerror;
delete options.onevent;
delete options.delay;
delete options.resetValues;
delete options.params;
// copy all other options to args (for backwards compatibility on issue 4115)
for (const property of Object.keys(options) ) {
args[namingContainerPrefix + property] = options[property];
args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.ajax"] = "true";
args["method"] = "POST";
// Determine the posting url
const encodedUrlField = getEncodedUrlElement(form);
if ( isNull(encodedUrlField) ) {
args["url"] = form.action;
} else {
args["url"] = encodedUrlField.value;
const sendRequest = function() {
const ajaxEngine = new AjaxEngine(context);
ajaxEngine.queryString = viewState;
ajaxEngine.context.onevent = onevent;
ajaxEngine.context.onerror = onerror;
ajaxEngine.context.sourceid = element.id;
ajaxEngine.context.render = args[namingContainerPrefix + "jakarta.faces.partial.render"] || EMPTY;
ajaxEngine.context.namingContainerPrefix = namingContainerPrefix;
if (explicitlyDoNotDelay) {
} else {
delayHandler = setTimeout(sendRequest, delayValue);
* <p><span class="changed_modified_2_2">Receive</span> an Ajax response
* from the server.
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* faces.ajax.response(request, context);
* </pre></code>
* <p><b>Implementation Requirements:</b></p>
* This function must evaluate the markup returned in the
* <code>request.responseXML</code> object and perform the following action:
* <ul>
* <p>If there is no XML response returned, signal an <code>emptyResponse</code>
* error. If the XML response does not follow the format as outlined
* in Appendix A.3 "XML Schema Definition For Partial Response" of the Jakarta Faces Specification Document
* signal a <code>malformedError</code> error. Refer to
* Jakarta Faces Specification Document section "Signaling Errors".</p>
* <p>If the response was successfully processed, send a <code>success</code>
* event as outlined in Jakarta Faces Specification Document section "Sending Events".</p>
* <p><i>Update Element Processing</i></p>
* The <code>update</code> element is used to update a single DOM element. The
* "id" attribute of the <code>update</code> element refers to the DOM element that
* will be updated. The contents of the <code>CDATA</code> section is the data that
* will be used when updating the contents of the DOM element as specified by the
* <code><update></code> element identifier.
* <li>If an <code><update></code> element is found in the response
* with the identifier <code>jakarta.faces.ViewRoot</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="jakarta.faces.ViewRoot">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* Update the entire DOM replacing the appropriate <code>head</code> and/or
* <code>body</code> sections with the content from the response.</li>
* <li class="changed_modified_2_2">If an
* <code><update></code> element is found in the
* response with an identifier containing
* <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="<VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID><SEP>jakarta.faces.ViewState<SEP><UNIQUE_PER_VIEW_NUMBER>">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* locate and update the submitting form's
* <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code> value with the
* <code>CDATA</code> contents from the response.
* <SEP> is the currently configured
* <code>UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar()</code>.
* <VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID> is the return from
* <code>UIViewRoot.getContainerClientId()</code> on the
* view from whence this state originated.
* <UNIQUE_PER_VIEW_NUMBER> is a number that must be
* unique within this view, but must not be included in the
* view state. This requirement is simply to satisfy XML
* correctness in parity with what is done in the
* corresponding non-partial Faces view. Locate and update
* the <code>jakarta.faces.ViewState</code> value for all
* Faces forms covered in the <code>render</code> target
* list whose ID starts with the same
* <li class="changed_added_2_2">If an
* <code>update</code> element is found in the response with
* an identifier containing
* <code>jakarta.faces.ClientWindow</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="<VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID><SEP>jakarta.faces.ClientWindow<SEP><UNIQUE_PER_VIEW_NUMBER>">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* locate and update the submitting form's
* <code>jakarta.faces.ClientWindow</code> value with the
* <code>CDATA</code> contents from the response.
* <SEP> is the currently configured
* <code>UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar()</code>.
* <VIEW_ROOT_CONTAINER_CLIENT_ID> is the return from
* <code>UIViewRoot.getContainerClientId()</code> on the
* view from whence this state originated.
* <UNIQUE_PER_VIEW_NUMBER> is a number that must be
* unique within this view, but must not be included in the
* view state. This requirement is simply to satisfy XML
* correctness in parity with what is done in the
* corresponding non-partial Faces view. Locate and update
* the <code>jakarta.faces.ClientWindow</code> value for all
* Faces forms covered in the <code>render</code> target
* list whose ID starts with the same
* <li class="changed_added_2_3">If an <code>update</code> element is found in the response with the
* identifier <code>jakarta.faces.Resource</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="jakarta.faces.Resource">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* append any element found in the <code>CDATA</code> contents which is absent in the document to the
* document's <code>head</code> section.
* </li>
* <li>If an <code>update</code> element is found in the response with the identifier
* <code>jakarta.faces.ViewHead</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="jakarta.faces.ViewHead">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* update the document's <code>head</code> section with the <code>CDATA</code>
* contents from the response.</li>
* <li>If an <code>update</code> element is found in the response with the identifier
* <code>jakarta.faces.ViewBody</code>:
* <pre><code><update id="jakarta.faces.ViewBody">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* update the document's <code>body</code> section with the <code>CDATA</code>
* contents from the response.</li>
* <li>For any other <code><update></code> element:
* <pre><code><update id="update id">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </update></code></pre>
* Find the DOM element with the identifier that matches the
* <code><update></code> element identifier, and replace its contents with
* the <code><update></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> contents.</li>
* </li>
* <p><i>Insert Element Processing</i></p>
* <li>If an <code><insert></code> element is found in
* the response with a nested <code><before></code>
* element:
* <pre><code><insert>
* <before id="before id">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </before>
* </insert></code></pre>
* <ul>
* <li>Extract this <code><before></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> contents
* from the response.</li>
* <li>Find the DOM element whose identifier matches <code>before id</code> and insert
* the <code><before></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> content before
* the DOM element in the document.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>If an <code><insert></code> element is found in
* the response with a nested <code><after></code>
* element:
* <pre><code><insert>
* <after id="after id">
* <![CDATA[...]]>
* </after>
* </insert></code></pre>
* <ul>
* <li>Extract this <code><after></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> contents
* from the response.</li>
* <li>Find the DOM element whose identifier matches <code>after id</code> and insert
* the <code><after></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> content after
* the DOM element in the document.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <p><i>Delete Element Processing</i></p>
* <li>If a <code><delete></code> element is found in the response:
* <pre><code><delete id="delete id"/></code></pre>
* Find the DOM element whose identifier matches <code>delete id</code> and remove it
* from the DOM.</li>
* <p><i>Element Attribute Update Processing</i></p>
* <li>If an <code><attributes></code> element is found in the response:
* <pre><code><attributes id="id of element with attribute">
* <attribute name="attribute name" value="attribute value">
* ...
* </attributes></code></pre>
* <ul>
* <li>Find the DOM element that matches the <code><attributes></code> identifier.</li>
* <li>For each nested <code><attribute></code> element in <code><attribute></code>,
* update the DOM element attribute value (whose name matches <code>attribute name</code>),
* with <code>attribute value</code>.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <p><i>JavaScript Processing</i></p>
* <li>If an <code><eval></code> element is found in the response:
* <pre><code><eval>
* <![CDATA[...JavaScript...]]>
* </eval></code></pre>
* <ul>
* <li>Extract this <code><eval></code> element's <code>CDATA</code> contents
* from the response and execute it as if it were JavaScript code.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <p><i>Redirect Processing</i></p>
* <li>If a <code><redirect></code> element is found in the response:
* <pre><code><redirect url="redirect url"/></code></pre>
* Cause a redirect to the url <code>redirect url</code>.</li>
* <p><i>Error Processing</i></p>
* <li>If an <code><error></code> element is found in the response:
* <pre><code><error>
* <error-name>..fully qualified class name string...<error-name>
* <error-message><![CDATA[...]]><error-message>
* </error></code></pre>
* Extract this <code><error></code> element's <code>error-name</code> contents
* and the <code>error-message</code> contents. Signal a <code>serverError</code> passing
* the <code>errorName</code> and <code>errorMessage</code>. Refer to
* Jakarta Faces Specification Document section "Signaling Errors".</li>
* <p><i>Extensions</i></p>
* <li>The <code><extensions></code> element provides a way for framework
* implementations to provide their own information.</li>
* <p><li>The implementation must check if <script> elements in the response can
* be automatically run, as some browsers support this feature and some do not.
* If they can not be run, then scripts should be extracted from the response and
* run separately.</li></p>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param request The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> instance that
* contains the status code and response message from the server.
* @param context An object containing the request context, including the following properties:
* the source element, per call onerror callback function, and per call onevent callback function.
* @throws Error if request contains no data
* @function faces.ajax.response
response: function response(request, context) {
if (!request) {
throw new Error("faces.ajax.response: Request parameter is unset");
// ensure context source is the dom element and not the ID
// per 14.4.1 of the 2.0 specification. We're doing it here
// *before* any errors or events are propagated because the
// DOM element may be removed after the update has been processed.
if (typeof context.sourceid === 'string') {
context.sourceid = document.getElementById(context.sourceid);
const xml = request.responseXML;
if (xml === null) {
sendError(request, context, "emptyResponse");
if (getParseErrorText(xml) !== PARSED_OK) {
sendError(request, context, "malformedXML");
const partialResponse = xml.getElementsByTagName("partial-response")[0];
const namingContainerId = partialResponse.getAttribute("id");
const namingContainerPrefix = namingContainerId ? (namingContainerId + faces.separatorchar) : EMPTY;
let responseType = partialResponse.firstChild;
context.namingContainerId = namingContainerId;
context.namingContainerPrefix = namingContainerPrefix;
for ( const partialResponseChild of partialResponse.childNodes ) {
if (partialResponseChild.nodeName === "error") {
responseType = partialResponseChild;
if (responseType.nodeName === "error") { // it's an error
let errorName = EMPTY;
let errorMessage = EMPTY;
let element = responseType.firstChild;
if (element.nodeName === "error-name") {
if (null != element.firstChild) {
errorName = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
element = responseType.firstChild.nextSibling;
if (element.nodeName === "error-message") {
if (null != element.firstChild) {
errorMessage = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
sendError(request, context, "serverError", null, errorName, errorMessage);
sendEvent(request, context, "success");
if (responseType.nodeName === "redirect") {
window.location = responseType.getAttribute("url");
if (responseType.nodeName !== "changes") {
sendError(request, context, "malformedXML", "Top level node must be one of: changes, redirect, error, received: " + responseType.nodeName + " instead.");
try {
for ( const change of responseType.childNodes ) {
switch (change.nodeName) {
case "update":
doUpdate(change, context);
case "delete":
case "insert":
case "attributes":
case "eval":
case "extension":
// no action
sendError(request, context, "malformedXML", "Changes allowed are: update, delete, insert, attributes, eval, extension. Received " + change.nodeName + " instead.");
} catch (ex) {
sendError(request, context, "malformedXML", ex.message);
sendEvent(request, context, "success");
* <p>Return the value of <code>Application.getProjectStage()</code> for
* the currently running application instance. Calling this method must
* not cause any network transaction to happen to the server.</p>
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* var stage = faces.getProjectStage();
* if (stage === ProjectStage.Development) {
* ...
* } else if stage === ProjectStage.Production) {
* ...
* }
* </code></pre>
* @returns String <code>String</code> representing the current state of the
* running application in a typical product development lifecycle. Refer
* to <code>jakarta.faces.application.Application.getProjectStage</code> and
* <code>jakarta.faces.application.ProjectStage</code>.
* @function faces.getProjectStage
faces.getProjectStage = function() {
// First, return cached value if available
if (typeof mojarra !== 'undefined' && typeof mojarra.projectStageCache !== 'undefined') {
return mojarra.projectStageCache;
// faces.js script
const _script = document.querySelector("script[src*='jakarta.faces.resource/faces.js']");
const scriptSrcSearchParam = isNotNull(_script) ? new URLSearchParams(_script.src) : null;
const stage = ( isNotNull(scriptSrcSearchParam) && scriptSrcSearchParam.get('stage') === 'Development' ) ? 'Development' : 'Production';
mojarra = mojarra || {};
mojarra.projectStageCache = stage;
return mojarra.projectStageCache;
* <p>Collect and encode state for input controls associated
* with the specified <code>form</code> element. This will include
* all input controls of type <code>hidden</code>.</p>
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* var state = faces.getViewState(form);
* </pre></code>
* @param form The <code>form</code> element whose contained
* <code>input</code> controls will be collected and encoded.
* Only successful controls will be collected and encoded in
* accordance with: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2">
* Section 17.13.2 of the HTML Specification</a>.
* @param execute The option.execute string built inside faces.ajax.request
* @returns String The encoded state for the specified form's input controls.
faces.getPartialViewState = function(form, execute) {
if (!form) throw new Error("faces.getPartialViewState: form must be set");
// if execute is defined, create an array of id
// that have to be included in the query string
const partialExecuteIds = execute ? execute.split(SPACE).concat(ALWAYS_EXECUTE_IDS) : undefined;
// array of element id => array of existing dom element
const partialExecuteDomElements = partialExecuteIds.map(getElemById).filter( elem => !!elem );
// the query string
let qString = EMPTY;
// if the partialExecuteIds does not include the form.id,
// then add it because it's required by the spec to be always included!
if ( partialExecuteIds && !partialExecuteIds.includes(form.id) ) {
qString = appendToQueryString(qString,form.id,form.id);
// add encoded name=value string to query string parts array.
// If partialExecuteIds is defined
// then add the field only if there is a child element with his name
// inside one of the element identified with the id contained in "partialExecuteIds" array (partial submit)
const addField = function(name, value) {
const add = !partialExecuteIds || partialExecuteIds.includes(name) || containsNamedChild(partialExecuteDomElements,name);
if (add) qString = appendToQueryString(qString,name,value);
const els = form.elements;
for (const el of els) {
if (el.name === EMPTY) {
if (!el.disabled) {
switch (el.type) {
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
case 'image':
case 'file':
case 'select-one':
if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
addField(el.name, el.options[el.selectedIndex].value);
case 'select-multiple':
for ( const option of el.options) {
if (option.selected) {
addField(el.name, option.value);
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if (el.checked) {
addField(el.name, el.value || 'on');
// this is for any input incl. text', 'password', 'hidden', 'textarea'
const nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "select" ||
nodeName === "button" || nodeName === "object" ||
nodeName === "textarea") {
addField(el.name, el.value);
return qString;
* <p>Collect and encode state for input controls associated
* with the specified <code>form</code> element. This will include
* all input controls of type <code>hidden</code>.</p>
* <p><b>Usage:</b></p>
* <pre><code>
* var state = faces.getViewState(form);
* </pre></code>
* @param form The <code>form</code> element whose contained
* <code>input</code> controls will be collected and encoded.
* Only successful controls will be collected and encoded in
* accordance with: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2">
* Section 17.13.2 of the HTML Specification</a>.
* @returns String The encoded state for the specified form's input controls.
* @function faces.getViewState
faces.getViewState = function(form) {
if (!form) throw new Error("faces.getViewState: form must be set");
// the query string
let qString = EMPTY;
// add encoded name=value string to query string parts array.
// If partialExecuteIds is defined then add the field only if the name is inside the "partialExecuteIds" array (partial submit)
const addField = function(name, value) {
qString += ( (qString.length > 0 ? "&" : EMPTY) + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) );
const els = form.elements;
for (const el of els) {
if (el.name === EMPTY) {
if (!el.disabled) {
switch (el.type) {
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
case 'image':
case 'file':
case 'select-one':
if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
addField(el.name, el.options[el.selectedIndex].value);
case 'select-multiple':
for ( const option of el.options) {
if (option.selected) {
addField(el.name, option.value);
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if (el.checked) {
addField(el.name, el.value || 'on');
// this is for any input incl. text', 'password', 'hidden', 'textarea'
const nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "select" ||
nodeName === "button" || nodeName === "object" ||
nodeName === "textarea") {
addField(el.name, el.value);
return qString;
* <p class="changed_added_2_2">Return the windowId of the window
* in which the argument form is rendered.</p>
* @param {DomNode} node Determine the nature of
* the argument. If not present, search for the windowId within
* <code>document.forms</code>. If present and the value is a
* string, assume the string is a DOM id and get the element with
* that id and start the search from there. If present and the
* value is a DOM element, start the search from there.
* @returns String The windowId of the current window, or null
* if the windowId cannot be determined.
* @throws an error if more than one unique WindowId is found.
* @function faces.getClientWindow
faces.getClientWindow = function(node) {
* Find jakarta.faces.ClientWindow field for a given form.
* @param form
* @ignore
const getWindowIdElement = function(form) {
return getFormInputElementByName(form,CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM);
const fetchWindowIdFromForms = function(forms) {
const result_idx = {};
let result;
let foundCnt = 0;
for ( const form of forms ) {
const windowIdElement = getWindowIdElement(form);
const windowId = windowIdElement && windowIdElement.value;
if (UDEF !== typeof windowId) {
if (foundCnt > 0 && UDEF === typeof result_idx[windowId]) throw Error("Multiple different windowIds found in document");
result = windowId;
result_idx[windowId] = true;
return result;
* @ignore
const getChildForms = function getChildForms(currentElement) {
//Special condition no element we return document forms
//as search parameter, ideal would be to
//have the viewroot here but the frameworks
//can deal with that themselves by using
//the viewroot as currentElement
if (!currentElement) return document.forms;
if (!currentElement.tagName) return [];
if (currentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === FORM) return [ currentElement ];
return currentElement.querySelectorAll(FORM);
* @ignore
const fetchWindowIdFromURL = function fetchWindowIdFromURL() {
const href = window.location.href;
const windowId = "windowId";
const regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + windowId + "=([^&#\\;]*)");
const results = regex.exec(href);
//initial trial over the url and a regexp
return (results != null) ? results[1] : null;
//byId ($)
const finalNode = (node && (typeof node == "string" || node instanceof String)) ?
document.getElementById(node) : (node || null);
const forms = getChildForms(finalNode);
const result = fetchWindowIdFromForms(forms);
return (null != result) ? result : fetchWindowIdFromURL();
* <p class="changed_added_2_3">
* The Push functionality.
* </p>
* @name faces.push
* @namespace
* @exec
faces.push = (function(window) {
// "Constant" fields ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const URL_PROTOCOL = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws") + "//"; // todo: unused... https...?
const REASON_EXPIRED = "Expired";
const REASON_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL = "Unknown channel";
// Private static fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const sockets = {};
const self = {};
// Private constructor functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a reconnecting websocket. When the websocket successfully connects on first attempt, then it will
* automatically reconnect on timeout with cumulative intervals of 500ms with a maximum of 25 attempts (~3 minutes).
* The <code>onclose</code> function will be called with the error code of the last attempt.
* @constructor
* @param {string} url The URL of the websocket.
* @param {string} channel The channel name of the websocket.
* @param {function} onopen The function to be invoked when the websocket is opened.
* @param {function} onmessage The function to be invoked when a message is received.
* @param {function} onerror The function to be invoked when a connection error has occurred and the web socket will attempt to reconnect.
* @param {function} onclose The function to be invoked when the web socket is closed and will not anymore attempt to reconnect.
* @param {Object} behaviors Client behavior functions to be invoked when specific message is received.
function ReconnectingWebsocket(url, channel, onopen, onmessage, onerror, onclose, behaviors) {
// Private fields -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let socket;
let reconnectAttempts;
const self = this;
// Public functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Opens the reconnecting websocket.
self.open = function() {
if (socket && socket.readyState === 1) {
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onopen = function(event) {
if (reconnectAttempts == null) {
reconnectAttempts = 0;
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
const message = JSON.parse(event.data).data;
onmessage(message, channel, event);
const functions = behaviors[message];
if (functions && functions.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {
socket.onclose = function(event) {
if (!socket
|| (event.code === 1000 && event.reason === REASON_EXPIRED)
|| (event.code === 1008 || event.reason === REASON_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL) // Older IE versions incorrectly return 1005 instead of 1008, hence the fallback check on the message.
|| (reconnectAttempts == null)
|| (reconnectAttempts >= MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS))
onclose(event.code, channel, event);
else {
onerror(event.code, channel, event);
setTimeout(self.open, RECONNECT_INTERVAL * reconnectAttempts++);
* Closes the reconnecting websocket.
self.close = function() {
if (socket) {
const s = socket;
socket = null;
reconnectAttempts = null;
// Public static functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize a websocket on the given client identifier. When connected, it will stay open and reconnect as
* long as URL is valid and <code>faces.push.close()</code> hasn't explicitly been called on the same client
* identifier.
* @param {string} clientId The client identifier of the websocket.
* @param {string} url The URL of the websocket. All open websockets on the same URL will receive the
* same push notification from the server.
* @param {string} channel The channel name of the websocket.
* @param {function} onopen The JavaScript event handler function that is invoked when the websocket is opened.
* The function will be invoked with one argument: the client identifier.
* @param {function} onmessage The JavaScript event handler function that is invoked when a message is received from
* the server. The function will be invoked with three arguments: the push message, the client identifier and
* the raw <code>MessageEvent</code> itself.
* @param {function} onerror The JavaScript event handler function that is invoked when a connection error has
* occurred and the web socket will attempt to reconnect. The function will be invoked with three arguments: the
* error reason code, the channel name and the raw <code>CloseEvent</code> itself. Note that this will not be
* invoked on final close of the web socket, even when the final close is caused by an error. See also
* <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1">RFC 6455 section 7.4.1</a> and {@link CloseCodes} API
* for an elaborate list of all close codes.
* @param {function} onclose The function to be invoked when the web socket is closed and will not anymore attempt
* to reconnect. The function will be invoked with three arguments: the close reason code, the channel name
* and the raw <code>CloseEvent</code> itself. Note that this will also be invoked when the close is caused by an
* error and that you can inspect the close reason code if an actual connection error occurred and which one (i.e.
* when the code is not 1000 or 1008). See also <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1">RFC 6455
* section 7.4.1</a> and {@link CloseCodes} API for an elaborate list of all close codes.
* @param {Object} behaviors Client behavior functions to be invoked when specific message is received.
* @param {boolean} autoconnect Whether or not to automatically connect the socket. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
* @member faces.push
* @function faces.push.init
self.init = function(clientId, url, channel, onopen, onmessage, onerror, onclose, behaviors, autoconnect) {
onclose = resolveFunction(onclose);
if (!sockets[clientId]) {
sockets[clientId] = new ReconnectingWebsocket(url, channel, resolveFunction(onopen), resolveFunction(onmessage), resolveFunction(onerror), onclose, behaviors);
if (autoconnect) {
* Open the websocket on the given client identifier.
* @param {string} clientId The client identifier of the websocket.
* @throws {Error} When client identifier is unknown. You may need to initialize it first via <code>init()</code> function.
* @member faces.push
* @function faces.push.open
self.open = function(clientId) {
* Close the websocket on the given client identifier.
* @param {string} clientId The client identifier of the websocket.
* @throws {Error} When client identifier is unknown. You may need to initialize it first via <code>init()</code> function.
* @member faces.push
* @function faces.push.close
self.close = function(clientId) {
// Private static functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If given function is actually not a function, then try to interpret it as name of a global function.
* If it still doesn't resolve to anything, then return a NOOP function.
* @param {Object} fn Can be function, or string representing function name, or undefined.
* @return {function} The intended function, or a NOOP function when undefined.
function resolveFunction(fn) {
return (typeof fn !== "function") && (fn = window[fn] || function(){}), fn;
* Get socket associated with given client identifier.
* @param {string} clientId The client identifier of the websocket.
* @return {Socket} Socket associated with given client identifier.
* @throws {Error} When client identifier is unknown. You may need to initialize it first via <code>init()</code> function.
function getSocket(clientId) {
const socket = sockets[clientId];
if (socket) return socket;
else throw new Error("Unknown clientId: " + clientId);
// Expose self to public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return self;
* The namespace for Jakarta Faces JavaScript utilities.
* @name faces.util
* @namespace
faces.util = {};
* <p>A varargs function that invokes an arbitrary number of scripts.
* If any script in the chain returns false, the chain is short-circuited
* and subsequent scripts are not invoked. Any number of scripts may
* specified after the <code>event</code> argument.</p>
* @param source The DOM element that triggered this Ajax request, or an
* id string of the element to use as the triggering element.
* @param event The DOM event that triggered this Ajax request. The
* <code>event</code> argument is optional.
* @returns boolean <code>false</code> if any scripts in the chain return <code>false</code>,
* otherwise returns <code>true</code>
* @function faces.util.chain
faces.util.chain = function(source, event) {
if (arguments.length < 3) {
return true;
// RELEASE_PENDING rogerk - shouldn't this be getElementById instead of null
const thisArg = (typeof source === 'object') ? source : null;
// Call back any scripts that were passed in
for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
const f = new Function("event", arguments[i]);
const returnValue = f.call(thisArg, event);
if (returnValue === false) {
return false;
return true;
* <p class="changed_added_2_2">The result of calling
* <code>UINamingContainer.getNamingContainerSeparatorChar().</code></p>
faces.separatorchar = '#{facesContext.namingContainerSeparatorChar}';
* <p class="changed_added_2_3">
* The result of calling <code>ExternalContext.getRequestContextPath()</code>.
faces.contextpath = '#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}';
* <p>An integer specifying the specification version that this file implements.
* Its format is: rightmost two digits, bug release number, next two digits,
* minor release number, leftmost digits, major release number.
* This number may only be incremented by a new release of the specification.</p>
faces.specversion = 40000;
* <p>An integer specifying the implementation version that this file implements.
* It's a monotonically increasing number, reset with every increment of
* <code>faces.specversion</code>
* This number is implementation dependent.</p>
faces.implversion = 4;
} //end if version detection block
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@project Faces Ajax Library
@version 2.0
@description This is the standard implementation of the Faces Ajax Library.
* @name mojarra
* @namespace
* Create our top level namespaces - mojarra
window.mojarra = window.mojarra || {};
* This function deletes any hidden parameters added
* to the form by checking for a variable called 'adp'
* defined on the form. If present, this variable will
* contain all the params added by 'apf'.
* @param f - the target form
mojarra.dpf = function dpf(f) {
const adp = f.adp;
if (adp !== null) {
for ( const param of adp ) {
* This function adds any parameters specified by the
* parameter 'pvp' to the form represented by param 'f'.
* Any parameters added will be stored in a variable
* called 'adp' and stored on the form.
* @param f - the target form
* @param pvp - associative array of parameter
* key/value pairs to be added to the form as hidden input
* fields.
mojarra.apf = function apf(f, pvp) {
const adp = [];
f.adp = adp;
let i = 0;
for (const k of Object.keys(pvp) ) {
const p = document.createElement("input");
p.type = "hidden";
p.name = k;
p.value = pvp[k];
adp[i++] = p;
* This is called by command link and command button. It provides
* the form it is nested in, the parameters that need to be
* added and finally, the target of the action. This function
* will delete any parameters added <em>after</em> the form
* has been submitted to handle DOM caching issues.
* @param f - the target form
* @param pvp - associative array of parameter
* key/value pairs to be added to the form as hidden input
* fields.
* @param t - the target of the form submission
mojarra.cljs = function cljs(f, pvp, t) {
mojarra.apf(f, pvp);
const ft = f.target;
if (t) {
f.target = t;
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'submit';
f.target = ft;
* This is called by functions that need access to their calling
* context, in the form of <code>this</code> and <code>event</code>
* objects.
* @param f the function to execute
* @param t this of the calling function
* @param e event of the calling function
* @return object that f returns
mojarra.facescbk = function facescbk(f, t, e) {
return f.call(t,e);
* This is called by the AjaxBehaviorRenderer script to
* trigger a faces.ajax.request() call.
* @param s the source element or id
* @param e event of the calling function
* @param n name of the behavior event that has fired
* @param ex execute list
* @param re render list
* @param op options object
mojarra.ab = function ab(s, e, n, ex, re, op) {
if (!op) op = {};
if (n) op["jakarta.faces.behavior.event"] = n;
if (ex) op["execute"] = ex;
if (re) op["render"] = re;
faces.ajax.request(s, e, op);
* This is called by command script when autorun=true.
* @param l window onload callback function
mojarra.l = function l(l) {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
else if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("load", l, false);
else if (typeof window.onload === "function") {
const oldListener = window.onload;
window.onload = function() { oldListener(); l(); };
else {
window.onload = l;